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Building Your Child's Character

  • The 7 Habits & The Leader In Me

    As the first International Lighthouse School licensed to implement the Leader In Me Program, Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri adopts the 7 Habits by Stephen R. Covey. This program caters to students from Kindergarten to Senior High School. The program teaches 21st Century leadership and life skills which are crucial to unleash child’s best potential. We live the 7 Habits.

    This is taught both theoretically and practically. Every class in Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri is equipped with tools to help children learning about the 7 Habits. For example The Behavior Jar. Every time a child conduct good acts (i.e. helping his/her friend, greet, lend their pencil to friends who need it), a marble will be placed inside his/her jar. A marble will be taken away for each negative behaviour. The teacher always motivates students to get their jar full. Furthermore, the 7 Habits – Leader In Me provides light-fun to read-textbook for children. These textbooks are available in the school’s library.

  • Little Leaders Day

    Even if our students are still little we love to celebrate their achievements on Little Leaders day. This is a Graduation day for Kindergarten students who have completed Kindergarten 2 before they step up to Primary school.

  • Leadership Day

    This is our annual whole school celebration and open house where students lead the school in all aspects. Students are the MC, tour guides, do performances, open up booths to sell or/and display their work and achievements. This celebration is to show that everyone is a leader in their own right. 

  • Assembly Leaders

    Assembly is a traditional school practice, however, we add an exciting twist. Every Monday each class will have the chance to be assembly leaders. The class in charge will have the following tasks: lead classes into the assembly, be the MC for assembly, present their message to their peers both older and younger.

  • Leadership Roles

    How do you add value in your classroom? Everyone can help! Students select how they want to help in their class, role range from Health Officier, Cleanliness Officer, Phone Officier. So if you child reminds you to clean up your mess they are leading themselves and others.

  • Wildly Important Goals

    What do you want to achieve this year? What is your goal that you can work towards? As lifelong learning school, we all have our WIGS (Wildly Important Goals). Here are just a few:

    I will be nicer to my friends. I will do more teamwork with my friends. I will eat faster during snack and lunch time. I will listen to my teachers during lessons time and I will not talk with my friends when the teacher explaining the lesson. - Primary School Grade 3 Student

    As a 6th grader, I want to study hard to reach my goals, apply the 7 Habits in my daily life, behave well and treat others the way I want them to treat me. - Primary School Grade 6 Student

    I want to help my friends and be kind to others. - Primary School Grade 1 Student


  • Communication Note Book

    Every student in Kindergarten has a special book that allows teachers to leave messages for parents and also so parents can leave messages for teachers. Important updates are shared and this allows students to understand the concept of communication between home and school.

  • Student Led Conference

    We demand that our students are active learners and active participants in their own education. An excellent way to achieve this is to put students at the helm, allowing each individual to set their targets, track their goals and demonstrate their achievements.

    In the student-led conference format, students and teachers prepare together, and then students lead the conference while teachers facilitate.

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